Spin on a supported spindle.
A comprehensive step-by-step guide to spinning on a supported spindle with confidence.
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Are you curious about supported spindle spinning? Do you want to learn a technique where you can have lots of control over the spinning process? Do you want to learn how to spin continuously and mindfully? Then this is the course for you!
Welcome to this course in how to spin on a supported spindle – a comprehensive step-by-step guide to spinning on a supported spindle with confidence.
In this course I will walk you through supported spindle spinning step by step. In theoretical and practical lessons we will look at
- Getting to know your spindle: We get acquainted with the spindle and look at why we spin on a supported spindle
- Yarn exercises: With step-by-step exercises with yarn we isolate the movements and learn movements, hand positions and yarn angles. We also look at spindle anatomy and differences in models and design.
- Managing fiber and technique: We spin with fiber and practice park and draft at our own pace. We also dive a bit deeper in technique.
- Spinning continuously: We let go of the last preparational exercises and learn how to spin continuously.
Materials required for the course:
- A supported spindle
- A spindle bowl
- A piece of yarn
- Fiber to spin with
To make the most of this course you will need to know how to spin on a suspended (drop) spindle and be comfortable with spinning on a suspended spindle. You need to know how wool and fiber behave and how a spindle behaves. You can still take the course if you don’t know this. However, I think you will get the most out of the course if you do know how to spin on a suspended spindle and that you are comfortable with spinning on a suspended spindle.
When you have finished the course you will know
- why we spin on a supported spindle
- the basic movements and techniques of spinning with a supported spindle
- why we do what we do in supported spindle spinning
With practice you will learn how to spin continuously with a supported spindle.
Happy spinning!
Your Instructor
Josefin has been a spinner since 2011. She is a spinning teacher specializing in the whole process from fleece to finished garment and different kinds of spindles. Josefin also creates spinning videos on YouTube and has a popular spinning blog.