I have been a spinner since 2011 and a spinning teacher of intermediate and advanced levels since 2016. I spin on many different spinning tools, but my heart sings a little extra when I spin on different kinds of spindles. When I teach I learn just as much as my students. Watching someone else spin and observing their technique and learning method makes me humble to the process of both spinning and learning.

I run a Youtube channel and a blog where I release videos and posts about spinning.

You can follow me on several social media:

  • My blog is my main channel. This is where I write posts about spinning, but also where I explain a bit more about videos I release. Sometimes I make videos that are on the blog only. Subscribe or make an rss feed to be sure not to miss any posts.
  • My youtube channel is where I release a lot of my videos. Subscribe to be sure not to miss anything!
  • I have a facebook page where I link to all my blog posts, you are welcome to follow me there.
  • On Patreon you can get early access to new videos and other Patreon only benefits. The contributions from my patrons is an important way to cover the costs, time and energy I put into the videos and blog posts I create. The content I create is totally free from advertisement.
  • Follow me on Instagram. I announce new blog posts, share images from behind the scenes and post lots of woolliness.
  • In all the social media I offer, you are more than welcome to contact me. Interacting with you helps me make better posts and videos. My private Facebook page, however, will remain private.
  • If you like what I do, please tell all your fiber friends and share these links!